Pam marched herself in for another Wednesday treatment. It's beautifu
l outside today, warm and sunny. The sun even managed to shower down around Pam inside the building as she checked in for her labwork. Now she is sleeping, taking her meds, inching her way closer to being done with chemo. This is the first treatment day that our kids have not been in school. They caught a fantastic break as the Benson's took them both last night and through today. It's a sure thing they are having a great time, and that really helps Pam rest. It's tough for Pam to think of what goes through our kids minds as she fights this cancer. How afraid are they? What are they thinking? We don't really know.

Our kids haven't been sick this year. Josh hasn't been sick in a couple of years, something he is quite proud of. It's really good timing for them to be healthy as Pam needs to avoid germs as much as possible. Last Saturday, Pam took Erin home from church early, she wasn't feeling well at all. By the time they reached home she had a fever and soon threw up. Uh-oh. Josh wasn't feeling well either, but had milder symptoms. Erin rebounded quite quickly and by Monday seemed well. Yesterday, before the dropoff at the Benson house, Pam wanted to be sure Erin was well enough to stay (didn't want to spread anything to her awesome Chinese host family), so she took her to the doctor. Kids doctors offices are germ factories, so Pam suited up appropriately. I doubt anyone noticed as she took her self portrait with her phone. Pam can pull off any style. Oh man, thinking of that reminds me I need to get to Dick's to pick out my Easter outfit. I'm the only one not ready.

Ruthie encouraged us with this passage this week. Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength, and He will make my feet like hinds' feet, and He will make me to walk upon mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments. Hab. 3:18-19
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