So when a rather beat up feeling Pam met with the radiation oncologist a week ago and he said "let's start the radiation right away," it was almost more than Pam could take. Nothing like kicking someone when they are down. She originally believed there would be at least a month between chemo and radiation. Yesterday she had to report to the hospital for her radiation simulation. That is the procedure when the quadrant to be radiated is measured and marked using lasers. A CT scan was performed that will be used to map the area so that the least amount of radiation possible will hit her lung, heart and throat. That mapping is being done now and is expected to be complete next week. That will be the green light for the 6.5 to 7.5 weeks (originally it was 6, but seems to be rising) of radiation to begin. Pam made a mercy plea and asked if the beginning can be delayed. Her doctor agreed without hesitation, so Pam bought herself an extra week to regain some strength and hopefully put some of the chemo side effects behind her.
Most people see Pam and notice the obvious. She is a very attractive woman. Even during this chemo and I am sure through the radiation as well. But she doesn't feel attractive and to a woman that hurts. But it's all in her head. Proof...she was recently asked to model some hats with her friend Gina. Marigold was started with the specific goal of creating caps to adorn the heads of women being treated for breast cancer. Gina was the original inspiration and the hats are becoming a modest fashion hit I hear. When you click on the word Marigold you'll see the back of Pam's head on the third pic of the slideshow. Click on the collection tab to see the great photos of her and Gina (and Callie, Aliesha, and the rest). I am grateful for this photographic proof that she isn't the sad looking cancer patient she fears she has become. Thank you Callie for asking Pam to be a part.
Our dear friend Don Bowen received news just yesterday that his brain tumor has begun to grow again. Whether you know Don or not, I will ask for you to pray for him.
The Lingenfelter family fun summer plans for 2009 have changed greatly from 2008. Our regular trip to St. Cloud and Miami will be replaced by daily trips to the radiation wing of Methodist Hospital. Pam has tabled the thought of her 5th consecutive year of running the St. Jude run, although we will still be raising and participating in other ways (I may run, emphasis on "may"...I am actually carrying all the weight Pam's mind has convinced her she has gained).
Josh will go to camp in Michigan for a week and Erin has a camping trip of her own planned. Pam and I may rent a movie sometime in June and if we put it in the DVD player early enough, I will stay up with Pam to watch the entire thing. So, plans have changed, but remain exciting nonetheless.
Thanks for staying with us on this journey. More about radiation to come.
1 comment:
Besides prayer... what can I do, Rick?? Can we hang out with your kids?? Splashdown should be opening soon. Maybe they would like to go there with us?? We would love to keep them over night, if you think they would want to come stay. Let me know... unfortunately, I can't cook for anything so I don't think I will be dropping off any meals. I'd even clean the toilets as long as I didn't need to cook!! Anything else, please just ask! Sending Love and Prayers!! Deb
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