Monday, October 26, 2009

To quote myself...hubba, hubba

One of the more depressing posts I made was last January 13th titled Eight Words. I wrote it during the dead of winter after a horrible week in between one surgery and the start of chemotherapy. But my last two sentences of that post is what I am reminded of after Pam surprised me by wanting to attend a grown-up dress-up party last Saturday night. Surprised is too mild a word. Shocked is more like it. Pam stepped way out of character for a regular year, but way WAY out for a year like she has had.

So, at great risk to myself, I am going to post a few pics from Saturday. Hope you got to this update soon, because I have a feeling these pics won't be on here for long.

Like I said on January 13th...hubba, hubba.

Oooohhhhh noooooooo!!!!! You are too late to see the pics! They were so hot they were melting motherboards. Soooooo sooooorrrrryyyy. But I will leave the post with a little visual.


Angie @ KEEP BELIEVING said...

PAM?!?!?!?! ME-OW!!! Holy cajolies!!

I am thinking maybe a little "doctor" was played after this party....


Darbi said...

She even removed all the tags from my FB pics...even the ones of us girls. (oh btw she removed your tags too). Sorry.

Rick said...

Actually, I am the censor. Protecting my wife's modesty is job number 1. Have to watch FB like a hawk.

marcellaely said...

I got to see a couple pictures, but what I saw that most of you didnt was a sparkle in her eye I havent seen for a long time. Its good to see that twinkle back! I pray that you feel as good as you look. And with time you will.
Love, Marcy