Tuesday, December 16, 2008

No shadow...winter coming

Pam emerged from her room yesterday evening and with her good right arm/hand (her left arm kind of dangles like Woody's from Toy Story) did her hair and changed out of her pajamas. Her goal was to join the rest of us at practice for the Northwoods Christmas Program. The timing of her cancer returning was especially disappointing as it has messed with her ability to participate in the program, something we love to do as a family. The schedule for the practices and performances is daunting and exhausting. But Pam decided she would miss no more.

She was a bit stunned to learn that the temperature was a somewhat coolish 9 outside of her room, but she pressed on. And she made it all the way to this seat in the auditorium and decided that was good enough, she watched from there, trying not to stoke the pain further.
The old and new pains she struggles to manage were making her second guess this trip. She feels bad that she didn't get any farther, that she flinched when friends came to hug, that she cringed when kids rushed near, squeezing and bumping, that she maybe didn't say hi to everyone, but she was satisfied that she did something, and she is determined to return this evening. We'll see how it goes, last night was a short practice, 8-10:30 for us. Tonight is scheduled from 5-???. She knows where to find soft chairs just in case.

Pam did get to see some friends. When not hanging out with Brian Urlacher at Chick-Fil-A, you might find Don Bowen hanging with Pam. Don was last year's Christmas program cancer recipient, getting the news he had brain cancer before one of the 2007 practices. Since then he has had surgeries, treatments and battles with pain. These two WIU alums spent some quality time comparing the drugs they take and the battles they wage, Don's above the neck, Pam's below.

Both were in pain as I took the big photo above, both cranked out great smiles and both are determined to serve God again this Christmas in this program.

Pray for these two, that they are given a break from the pain and healing from cancer.


Anonymous said...

Pam and Rick - just wanted you to know that a long lost friend is thinking of you all and holding you in her heart. The IVC connection brought your news to me and I found your blog through a goggle search. May the New Year bring you continued hope and good news, Mimi Goldstein (Schneider)

Keith Haun said...

God has special blessings for those who sustains and perserveres.
You have such a great spirit, and I know you and your husband love helping with the Christmas Production. I pray that our God who we all love so much will come and take away any pain from the surgery, I pray his healing touch surround your body and take away anything that would cause you to feel bad. I pray total healing over you. I pray peace, comfort and Christ love be with you and I hope you experience God while you serve him In Jesus name See ya tomorrow Keith Haun

Gen and Family said...

Pam & Rick,

Thinking of you today and everyday! Sending many hugs and prayers your way! PLEASE let us know if we can help in any way, in addition too praying!

Rejoice this Holiday Season as we shall all be grateful for our blessings!

We feel blessed to have been given the opportunity to know you and your family! Thank you!


Gennifer, Earl, Ashlyn, & Dallas