Monday, September 28, 2009

having it good (or at least better)

I have lost track of time, but I believe it was two years ago that I was at The Leadership Summit when Richard Curtis was being interviewed. He showed a video clip he filmed while in India. It has always stuck with me and I finally found a copy of it that I can share. We find ourselves living quite a few blocks off Easy Street when we consider Pam's/our struggles these days, but we know we are still blessed. Be thankful.

1 comment:

Angie @ KEEP BELIEVING said...

When I used to dread going to the Cancer Center for the latest results especially when Brian had been symptomatic, I would think to myself, resentfully, "There are not many 35/36 year olds living this life. This is as bad as it gets." ANd I would feel God's nudging that it is not. And I would pray a special prayer right then and there for those that were suffering in any capacity - sudden, tragic loss; poverty; hunger; etc. And I would find it in my heart to thank God for allowing me to count my blessings instead of our misfortunes. All the time he gives us here is a gift and as any follower of the Bible knows, he NEVER promised that it would not be full of troubles.